We are a global campaign
seeking solutions to global
problems and promoting
Human Security For All.
War & Violence
Poverty, Hunger & Inequality
The Climate Emergency
We need to think differently.
We need to unite around human security.

A world in which
people's survival, livelihood
and dignity are secure.
A world in which people can
flourish and reach their full
We Are

Youth Leaders

Religious Leaders


Tech Innovators

Upcoming Events
Quantitative Methods For Human Security
This online event on June 13, promises valuable insights into the intersection of a data-driven approach to human security and global stability.
Human Security Press Summit
Foreign press from around the world will engage with human security experts at this world-first event in September.
World Unity Week
An annual free, online 8-day event embracing the mid-year Solstice, Yoga Day, UN Refugee Day and a vast array of interconnected global content.
Campaign Spotlights

Technological innovation to promote human security is a major theme at CES 2024, the world’s largest technology show on January 9–12, 2024.
In a collaboration with the International Kids Film Festival (IKFF), HS4A hosted an online filmmaking masterclass that captured the imaginations of more than 8,000 children from 150 schools.
The 148th IPU Assembly was held in Geneva, Switzerland in March. Hundreds of parliamentarians gathered to address the theme “Parliamentary Diplomacy: Building Bridges For Peace and Understanding.”
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