The Human Security For All (HS4A) Campaign: 

Progress Report October 2022 – March 2024


Click on the titles below to quickly access each summary. Use the arrow at the bottom right of your screen to return to the top.

  • Executive Summary
    An overview of the 18-month global HS4A campaign.

  • Consumer Technology Show (CES) 2023
    The world’s largest technology event. Las Vegas, 4-8 January 2023.

  • Consumer Technology Show, Las Vegas 2024
    More than 135,000 tech leaders, brands, industry professionals, and 4,300 exhibitors. Las Vegas, 5-8 January, 2024.

  • Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
    More than 700 parliamentarians from over 140 countries engaged in a world-first human security toolkit.

  • COP28 Dubai
    Presenting to global environmental leaders on Green Innovation, Skills of the Futue and Women Leaders in Climate Action.

  • The Annual (9th) Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs
    A policy dialogue between the UN System, member states, faith actors, and broader civil society on critical issues of the day.

  • EarthX, Dallas
    The world’s largest gathering of people and organizations committed to green living and is held annually in Dallas, Texas.

  • Techsauce
    The largest tech conference in Southeast Asia with more than 16,000 visitors from 50 countries.

  • Future Education Conference
    Since 2013, WAAS has been working for a paradigm change in education that closely parallels the ideas advocated in the recent UNESCO reports and consistent with the UN’s Human Security approach.

  • Global Futures 2023
    Bringing together members of the public and private sectors, science and academia, Indigenous communities, and youth from around the globe to actualize bold steps for governments, corporations, and multilateral institutions.

  • Leaders On Purpose
    A leading global platform for businesses transitioning towards a purpose-first economy, with a particular focus on CEOs of multinational corporations.

  • Science For Human Security
    The Earth Humanity Coalition is an initiative led by UNESCO with WAAS representation on the Steering Committee.

  • The Interacademy Partnership (IAP)
    A global network of science, engineering & medical academies working together to provide independent expert advice on scientific, technological & health issues.

  • SpellBee International
    An educational research organization serving 4000+ schools and tens of thousands of students across India and Sri Lanka. The HS4A campaign engaged schools, educators, and administrators through personalized and informative messages.

  • International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)
    The worldwide federation of national amateur radio organizations. The membership of IARU consists of more than 160 member societies in as many countries.

  • Milan Design Week
    The biggest annual design event in the world that welcomes more than 370,000 visitors attending exhibitions across the city.

    Promoting world peace and other solutions to humanity’s greatest challenges.

  • Youth Ambassadors
    A group of ambassadors who are well-versed in the concept of human security and have extensive experience promoting the UN and social causes.

  • Association of Foreign Press Correspondents USA (AFPC-USA)
    More than 5,000 foreign journalists, based in the USA, who engage with foreign media to deepen the understanding of U.S. policy and American values.

  • UNIFY, World Peace Day
    Delivering the HS4A message from a stage in Times Square and beamed live via streaming TV to a global audience of millions.

  • Human Security as 8th Pillar Event
    The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) announces that technology is now a new eighth pillar of the Human Security for All (HS4A) campaign.

  • Kids International Film Festival
    Hosting an online human security workshop with 200 schools and 10,000 students.

  • The Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO)
    Presenting at the Fourth CoNGO Global Thematic Webinar, titled “Peace, Human Security and Sustainability for People and the Planet.” Conducted in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic.

  • Social Media Outreach
    A report on the reach, influence, and impact of the HS4A social media campaign.

  • Cadmus Journal
    An independent journal edited by WAAS Fellows It seeks to support WAAS’s mission by featuring fresh thinking and new perspectives that integrate knowledge from all fields of science, art, and humanities to address real-life issues.

Executive Summary

The Human security For All (HS4A) campaign, implemented by The World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), set out in early 2023 to promote the human security approach among networks of people and organizations that play a vital role in adopting new ideas and translating them into action. To date, the expected outputs have exceeded expectations. 

The campaign has created impact in sectors around the world: business, technology, film, education, policy-making, the media and academia.

The term “human security” was first coined in the UNDP Human Development Report “New Dimensions of Human Security” in 1994, and highlighted its four characteristics: universal, people-centered, interdependent, and early prevention. While the UN has published many reports, held debates around the concept of human security and established the Human Security Unit (HSU) at the UN in 2004, the message did not spread significantly beyond the UN ecosystem. The World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) was approached by HSU in 2021 to develop and execute a world-first campaign on human security which was completed in March 2024. 

For the past 64 years, WAAS has dedicated itself to the pursuit of creative, catalytic ideas that provide — to present and future generations — enlightenment and thought leadership around the pressing social, academic, scientific, and environmental issues of our time. The motto of the Academy expresses this sentiment perfectly: “Leadership in Thought That Leads to Action.”

The vast network and deep experience of WAAS has seen noteworthy organizations turn to WAAS to implement complex programs and projects. This is accomplished through events of significance that promote cross-disciplinary dialogue, generate original ideas and integrated perspectives that address the root causes and effective remedies that help solve the world’s biggest problems. Solutions are derived by interacting with dozens of like-minded organizations and hundreds of WAAS Fellows, who are galvanized to turn ideas and policies into action.

WAAS has special Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) status with the United Nations, which allows it to interact with, and influence, global policy on a variety of social and environmental issues by bringing people and issues together to promote collective action for a sustainable world. WAAS also has consultative status with UNESCO. ECOSOC status brings WAAS into the center of the UN development system, where it conducts cutting-edge analysis, proposes new global norms and advocates for progress. The Academy’s interaction with leading organizations, companies, academics and business leaders is helping to create collective solutions that advance sustainable development.

To generate widespread awareness of the urgent need for human security, supporters and partners for the Human Security For All (HS4A) campaign were chosen for their reach and influence, focusing on spreading the campaign message as widely as possible. Cultural, gender and geographic diversity were considered and implemented at every opportunity to demonstrate the global nature of the campaign and to put into practice the principles of the campaign. Through partnerships with these organizations, the campaign promoted widespread awareness, acceptance, and endorsement of human security, both among the general public as well as with different constituencies, sectors, and stakeholders that fostered the inclusion of human security — both in their thinking and agendas of action towards the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the SDGs. 

The campaign has reached out and exposed hundreds of thousands of policymakers, youth leaders, educators, scientists, members of faith-based groups (whose membership runs in the hundreds of millions), artists, and a far larger audience of the general public to the HS4A message. The amateur radio group alone reached more than 50,000 responders. 

The target of one million online and media impressions for the duration of the campaign — promoting awareness of human security among our target audiences and the public —exceeded 4.9 million impressions at the end of March 2024. This number comprises social media impressions and website impressions beyond the HS4A campaign website.

The program’s impact has seen a marked increase in awareness around the concept of human security across a variety of sectors and the willingness of campaign partners to theme their events around human security. A significant milestone has been the willingness of high-level events and organizations to adopt human security as their theme. One example, CES, the world’s largest technology show, has themed its past two events around human security, with more than 115,000 and 135,000 attendees, respectively, exposed to the campaign message through signage, keynotes, videos, the HS4A booth, and social media. It has been estimated that the HS4A campaign receives $2 million worth of free media exposure and branding benefits for each event through this relationship alone.

The human security approach was used in the program’s implementation by negotiating with notable in-person and online events to find human security angles that would resonate with their audience. Filming and broadcasting at these events took the HS4A message beyond the in-person or online events, and HS4A team members who attended these events and participated as keynotes, panelists, and moderators were able to steer the conversation toward the importance of human security. Many of these videos are now available online and will be used to promote and boost the campaign message.

Campaign progress toward mainstreaming human security has been achieved through negotiating repeat partnerships with the most compelling events to build on its success and to deliver a regular, repetitious campaign message. In addition, by speaking to the leadership of these supporting organizations, corporate and state policy is being guided toward the positive attributes of human security and will ensure broad adoption. One example is the HS4A partnership with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which has deepened the understanding of human security among 180 Member Parliaments worldwide—including human security in its final declaration in Geneva in March 2024 and collaboration with WAAS to develop training programs for MPs. Other initiatives include the promotion of the human security approach to science academies in collaboration with the Inter-Academy Partnership (IAP) that consists of 150 national academies, and a WAAS initiative on science and human security in collaboration with a newly constituted UNESCO-sponsored international consortium of scientific research institutes. 

The first year of the HS4A campaign was aimed at promoting the human security message globally and forging strategic relationships with partners. This has established a solid foundation for the future and secured ongoing commitments from our partners. As an example, CES has inviting the campaign back to their influential event in January 2025, and work is well under way with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on the development of a human security digital course for parliamentarians from 180 countries.

Consumer Technology Show, Las Vegas 2023


The concept of human security had never been integrated into this global event before. The baseline awareness was, therefore, zero and was increased to hundreds of thousands of exposures. The event attracted more than 115,000 industry professionals – marking the largest audited global tech event since early 2020, with over 3,200 exhibitors, including Abbott, Amazon, Bosch, BMW, Canon, Delta, Google, Hisense, John Deere, LG Electronics, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Panasonic, Samsung, Sony, and Stellantis, all launching new products. CES 2023 showcased the next era of innovation from transportation and mobility to digital health, sustainability, Web3, and the metaverse. The HS4A theme was central to the event, and the campaign branding and message were found at every event, public space, and keynote.


CES 2023 by the Numbers

  • Nearly 2.2 million net square feet of exhibits (70% larger than CES 2022)
  • 3,200+ exhibitors, including 1,000 new exhibitors
  • Over 115,000 attendees (pre-audit figures)
  • Over 40,000 international attendees from more than 140 countries
  • (pre-audit figures)
  • 4,800 global media from 69 countries (pre-audit figures)
  • 60% of Fortune 500 companies represented
  • HS4A video played at 400+ seminars, with an average audience of 400 people:
  • 160,000+ audience
  • A Media Highlights report compiled by CES shows an estimated 5.8 billion impressions from over 600 stories on HS4A.


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·       The HS4A campaign and campaign partners were highlighted at the opening ceremony through the opening keynote speech, “CTA State of the Industry,” by CTA CEO Gary Shapiro, attended by 1,500 industry leaders, and the presentation of the HS4A campaign video. The HS4A campaign and campaign partners were honored at the “Leaders in Technology” dinner on 6 January, the flagship VIP of CES, attended by 500+ of the most influential tech leaders. The concept of human security was mentioned onstage at keynotes by agricultural company John Deere and BMW, attended by thousands of people, and streamed online to many more. This was not the direct HS4A campaign message, but they realized the importance of mentioning the human security approach — because CES had adopted this as a central theme.


HS4A Booth

The HS4A campaign booth was situated in the prestigious Innovation Awards section in one of the main exhibition halls. This area displayed the innovation award winners of CES 2023. It drew crowds in the thousands daily, which saw the HS4A branding, messaging, and human security interviews being filmed at the booth. An interview with the mayor of the South Korean city of Gwangju (Kang Gi-jung) drew a crowd of press and media to the booth. The campaign video was played on a loop and attracted passers-by, some of whom were interviewed for the HS4A media platforms.


We attracted the attention of the BBC and pitched the idea of a human security documentary. A follow-up meeting was held in New York on January 10 to explore ideas and a partnership. Should this develop into an opportunity, a partner evaluation document will be compiled for UNHSU approval.


The HS4A media team conducting live interviews at CES 2023.



Video interviews were conducted with seven CES Human Security Innovation Award winners. These were edited and placed on the HS4A YouTube channel. Interviews were also done with individuals aligned with human security-related technology and organizations that were encountered during CES proceedings. This included Google, the EU Commission, UNICEF, and the European Innovation Council, among others. In total, 25 interviews were conducted, which will be featured as full interviews on YouTube with shorter segments for social media. 


Campaign branding at the main entrance to CES 2023.


Public Branding and Exposure

The main entrance foyers of the exhibition halls displayed animated versions of the HS4A branding. These projections were 4-5 stories high and seen by all attendees. In addition, floor-standing display boards (7ft x 2 ft) showed the HS4A and partner logos and the seven pillars of human security. These display boards were also found at main entrances within the exhibition halls and along connecting walkways. Large (12ft x 30ft) billboards with the HS4A branding and campaign message were also installed along passageways and walkways.


Campaign branding at the main entrance to CES 2023.



CES magazine

9,000 copies of “It is Innovation (i3)” magazine were available daily to attendees — at exhibition entrances. It is also available online. The inside front cover featured an HS4A advert, and page 7 featured an editorial on the human security theme for CES 2023 and the pillars of human security. The magazine was also available at executive and C-suite offices at the event. Magazines that returned with attendees to their respective countries will deliver further exposure for the HS4A message.


The HS4A campaign was also featured in a daily newspaper, CES Daily, which was distributed onsite at CES and across Las Vegas.


CES Newsletter

The human security theme and the partnership announcement with WAAS and UNTFHS were included in pre-show email newsletters that reached 250,000 people. On 14 March, HS4A was also referenced in the CES newsletter. The results were:

  • Impressions: 226,602
  • Unique clicks: 4,611
  • Avg Open Rate: 32.1%


Great Minds Sessions

Three great minds sessions were held between 5-6 January: Technology, Education, and Food. Each was attended by 300-400 attendees. The HS4A campaign video was played at the beginning and end of each session, and HS4A branding was projected onto the stage backdrop. Each session was professionally recorded and is available for use by the HS4A campaign — YouTube and social media.


Force For Good Report

The global release of the Force For Good report was announced and released at CES 2023. The HS4A campaign and human security are mentioned in the opening pages, with team members acknowledged by name (page vi). A downloadable version of the report was publicized to attendees and the media:


HS4A Press Event

The press event was held on 6 January at a dedicated press room at the Las Vegas Convention Center and attracted 22 members of the press and interested individuals. The press release crafted by the HS4A team was distributed. An email announcement was sent to 2,800 members of the press who had registered to receive news at CES. They were sent three emails three days before the event, including a reminder on the day. Based on the Q&A that took place, ready-made stories and quotes were shared with all 2,800 press members post-event to provide content that journalists can easily use.


Brand Value

CES estimates we received well over $2 million worth of exposure at CES 2023. CEO Gary Shapiro’s keynote speech included the HS4A video, which has received more than 35,000 views on YouTube. On-site display advertising, banners, backdrops, video plays at key events, magazine advertising, and pre-show promotion are estimated at another $1 million.


Longer-term outcomes

In April, the HS4A video was played at a technology gathering in Washington, DC, as part of CTA’s ongoing industry leadership program. The leadership of CTA included the HS4A campaign and the concept of human security in their 2024 event – the 30th anniversary of the concept of human security.


Consumer Technology Show, Las Vegas 2024


In contrast to last year’s event, CES2024 had a noticeable increase in the use of the term “human security” among attendees, exhibitors, and keynotes. Awareness around the HS4A campaign was raised due to our participation in 2023, and from the vast amount of visual exposure, we were given. CES2024 attracted more than 135,000 industry professionals – marking the largest audited global tech event since early 2020 and larger than the 2023 event. The 4,300 exhibitors included: Lenovo, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Samsung and Sony Electronics, L’Oréal Groupe, Best Buy, Elevance Health, HD Hyundai, Intel, Nasdaq, Qualcomm, Siemens, Walmart, BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Magna, Mercedes, 3M, Caterpillar, Goodyear, John Deere, Kubota, Midbar, Nasdaq, Panasonic, Siemens and SK Group. CES also highlighted the inclusion of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, Amandeep Singh Gill, in their official report on CES2024, who was invited by HS4A to address the high-level audience at the CES keynote event “Leaders in Tech” and speak at a Great Minds session.

The HS4A theme was once again a central theme of CES2024, and the campaign branding and messaging were found at every event, public space, and keynote. The concept of human security was mentioned by notable CEOs in keynote speeches, panel discussions, and press releases. One example is a quote by Kisun Chung, Vice-Charman and CEO of HD Hyundai during his keynote: “Improving the productivity and sustainability of the construction industry is key to tackling many, if not all the human security challenges of our civilization. It’s about changing the way we build so that we can change our future.” Watch here

Compared to CES2023, it seemed as if attendees and tech corporations had accepted the concept of human security, and it was more embedded in their messaging. At CES2023, it seemed as if the concept needed explanation to an audience uneducated on the topic, but CES2024 saw adoption and alignment with human security. Much of this success has to do with CES press releases and briefing documents to exhibitors, sponsors and attendees — that highlighted the human security theme. As an industry influencer, CES has influenced hundreds of tech companies worldwide to take human security seriously and consider how they integrate it into their corporate messaging.

Gary Shapiro, CEO of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) presents the HS4A campaign to 1,500 leaders in technology at the events keynote address.

CES 2023 by the Numbers

  • 5-plus million net square feet of exhibits, a 15% increase over CES 2023
  • More than 4,300 exhibitors, including 1,400-plus startups at Eureka Park
  • Of the 135,000 or more attendees, a record of more than 40% came from 150 countries, regions and territories.
  • 5,000-plus global media and content creators packed the show’s media centers and extensively covered the show.
  • 60% of Fortune 500 companies were represented.
  • More than 250 conference sessions, with more than 1,000 speakers, explored virtually every aspect of the tech that’s impacting the industry and the world’s populations.
  • The CES 2024 Innovation Awards program attracted 3,000-plus submissions, a record high, and included “human security” for the second year running.
  • Some 25,000 media mentions and more than 35,000 articles led to more than 277 billion impressions specific to CES 2024, of which many mentioned HS4A and the human security theme for CES2024.


Great Minds Sessions and Keynotes

  • The HS4A campaign and campaign partners were highlighted at the keynote CES event, “The Leaders in Technology,” dinner attended by over 1,500 of the most influential tech leaders. CTA CEO Gary Shapiro spoke about human security, the partnership between HSU and WAAS and presented the HS4A campaign video themed around human security and tech: A custom video on human sewci=urity and technology was played at the dinner and before each Great Minds session. Watch the video here:
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(Starts at 2:20) The UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, Amandeep Singh Gill (above), invited by HS4A, addressed the Leaders in Technology audience on the importance of the Global Digital Compact and an accessible digital future, that ties into the adoption of technology as an eighth pillar of human security.

Three Great Minds sessions were held between 7-12 January, and each was attended by 400-500 attendees. The HS4A campaign video was played at the beginning of each session and HS4A branding was projected onto the stage backdrop and on branded boxes on the stage. The panelists consisted of HS4A members and invited specialists in their field, who aligned with the human security theme:

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What Are the Technology Needs of the Developing World?

Explored tech’s role in addressing global crises — climate, security, and development. Can it bridge gaps and ensure equitable progress? Panelists: Stedman Graham, Business Advisor, Chairman and CEO of S. Graham and Associates; Ketan Patel, Chairman, Force for Good and CEO and Founder, Greater Pacific Capital; Trammel Crow, Founder of EarthX; Walt Stinson, HS4A Excom.

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Technology and AI Building a Sustainable, Secure, Superior Future

A discussion on the unique impact technology and AI have in addressing our biggest challenges and enabling a superior future. The latest Force For Good report was also presented by Ketan Patel and discussed by the panel. The report includes notes on human security and acknowledges HS4A’s role in providing content. Panelist: Glenn Gaffney, Former Under Secretary General and Director of Science and Technology for the Central Intelligence Agency; Moderator: Ketan Patel, Chair of Force for Good and CEO of Investment firm, Greater Pacific Capital; Walt Stinson, HS4A Excom.

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How to Think Like an Innovator and Change the World

Unraveling the complex tapestry of obstacles, innovations, and strategies required to reshape our world for the better. Panelists: Amandeep Singh Gill, UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology; Megan Lee, CEO, Panasonic North America; Moderator: Garry Jacobs, CEO of WAAS and HS4A Excom.

Show floor Tour
CES arranged a special show floor tour of the CES exhibition areas for HS4A members and Amandeep Singh Gill, UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology. This was a strategic event that aimed to highlight to Mr. Gill the practical applications of technology for good and its potential for supporting human security. This was Mr. Gill’s first encounter with CES, and his comments on the tour suggested that he had gained essential insights into how his advocacy work at the UN might be guided by the practical solutions he witnessed at CES2024. The show floor tour also gave valuable insights and ideas around future collaborations to HS4A members. 

Innovation Awards
At CES2023, a new category — “human security” — was added to the Innovation Awards. The awards are an annual competition honoring outstanding design and engineering in consumer technology products. Entries for the human security category in 2023 saw a handful of entrants and eight honorees. The 2024 awards had more than 150 entries and resulted in 18 honorees under the human security category. We hope to increase this number for CES2025 as the awards continue to position the idea of human security as a desirable category for consumer tech products. The human security category was judged by industry experts selected by CES and included Grant Schreiber, HS4A Campaign Manager, Dina Dragija, HS4A Partnerships Manager, and Walt Stinson, HS4A Excom. The honorees can be found here (select “Human Security for All” in the category dropdown)

Email Awareness
In the months running up to CES2024, CES sent out 16 emails to attendees, sponsors, speakers and Innovation Awards judges. Five of these emails were sent to all 135,000 attendees. Each of these emails mentioned the HS4A campaign in different ways: HS4A as a category for the Innovation Awards, mention of the collaboration =between CES and HS4A (and mention of WAAS and HSU), highlights from the tech as an 8th pillar of human security announcement in September 2023, announcements around the Tech Talk podcast series in which HS4A participated, mention of the HS4A theme in emails to the press.

HS4A Booth and Branding
The HS4A booth was positioned in a high-traffic area at the top of the main entrance escalators. Its location and high visibility meant it was seen by tens of thousands of attendees. CES gave us a much larger booth than CES2023, which included a dedicated, raised stage for interviews, a large meeting table, printed HS4A backdrops, and a TV screen. The value of the booth contributed by CES was $150,000.

The HS4A booth conducted 12 interviews at the booth for use on social media and to promote HS4A beyond the event. These included CTA CEO Gary Shapiro, public personality Stedman Graham, and Amandeep Singh Gill, UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology.

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CEO Endorses Human Security on Tik Tok
A short message on human security by Gary Shapiro, posted to TikTok, received the most views for a post on the HS4A TikTok account.

Public Branding and Exposure
The HS4A branding was once again found throughout CES2024 – in exhibition halls, keynote venues and official CES meeting rooms, including the official speaker room where all speakers prepared before taking the stage. Floor-standing display boards (7ft x 2 ft) showed the HS4A and partner logos and the eight pillars of human security. These display boards were also found at main entrances within the exhibition halls and along connecting walkways. HS4A signage was placed at the International Business Center, the CEOs (Gary Shapiro) office, the Media Room, the Member Lounge, and the CES Unveiled media event. 

A series of podcasts, hosted by CES Tech Talk, were broadcast in the months leading up to CES2024, to raise awareness around HS4A and to explain the concept of human security. The series was announced on the CES website here

  • Human Security For All: Innovation is the Key
    Garry Jacobs, CEO of WAAS and HS4A Excom
    Listen here
  • Tech for Humanity: Advancing Lives Through Innovation
    Amanda Ellis, former New Zealand ambassador to the UN, Jon Miller, HS4A supporter and former chairman and CEO of AOL
    Watch here
  • Why Human Security is Good Business
    Walt Stinson, HS4A Excom
    Listen here
  • All On for CES2024: What to Expect
    Gary Shapiro, CEO of CTA
    Watch here (at 3:55) 7,900 views

Brand Value
CES estimates that we received well over $2 million worth of exposure at CES 2024. On-site display advertising, banners, and backdrops, video plays at key events, magazine advertising, and pre-show promotion are conservatively estimated at another $1 million.

Longer-term outcomes
CES has committed to an annual collaboration with WAAS regarding the human security campaign and the ongoing promotion of the human security message. WAAS and the HS4A campaign will be returning to CES in January 2025. As the largest collaboration with HS4A by the numbers, this relationship is a valuable platform for spreading the human security message to the world, and for tech companies with large resources to magnify the HS4A message at scale to employees and consumers alike.

The CES media list was made available to HS4A for communicating the campaign’s involvement in CES2024. HS4A sent an email to 2,700 press members to alert them to the presence of HS4A at the event.

Top five Press mentions of HS4A:

  • Forbes Japan (7.2 mil. visits/month) 

“The Presence of Generative AI: CES 2024 Voices of Participants”

  • ESG News(81k visits/month)

“CES 2024 Las Vegas Shows Climate-Friendly Tech is Going Mainstream”

  • Yahoo Finance(243 mil. visits/month)

“Infinitum Receives Two CES 2024 Innovation Awards” 

  • Twice (73k visits/month)

“CTA Celebrates 100 Years Of Igniting Innovation”

  • AP News(87 mil. visitors/month)

“CES 2024 is Upon Us. Here’s What to Expect From This Year’s Annual Show of All-Things Tech”

A full list of 287 press mentions from media outlets around the world can be found HERE


Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

(23-27 March, 2024)


More than 700 parliamentarians from over 140 countries, gathered at the 148th IPU Assembly from 23-27 March 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, to reconfirm their commitment to parliamentary diplomacy to support peace efforts, and to reinvigorate multilateralism through parliamentary action. The IPU Assembly was one of the most well-attended on record in Geneva, including over 50 Speakers of Parliament. Around 36% of the MPs were women and some 27% were young MPs under the age of 45. The event was attended by Garry Jacobs, President of WAAS and HS4A Excom, Donato Kiniger-Passigli, HS4A Excom, Amanda Ellis, former New Zealand ambassador to the UN and HS4A supporter, and Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute and HS4A supporter.

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The Assembly’s final declaration, “Geneva Declaration: Parliamentary diplomacy: Building bridges for peace and understanding,” endorsed by the Assembly on 27 March 2024, acknowledges human security as an important part of parliamentary diplomacy:

“We should therefore increase our focus on human security, which encompasses citizens’ protection by prioritizing essential needs such as food, health care and environmental security, and on guaranteeing equal rights for all, as the main path to fostering both peace and development.”

See final the final declaration (paragraph 10) here

The inclusion of human security in the final declaration is a direct result of discussions, advocacy, and motivations by members of the HS4A campaign.

A side event titled “Workshop on Human Security: Equipping Parliamentarians for Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention” aimed to equip parliamentarians with knowledge and tools for effective peacebuilding and conflict prevention by applying the Human Security approach to Parliamentary decision-making. Co-organized by the IPU and the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) on 25 March 2024, the workshop encouraged active participation from multiple parliamentarians who shared insights into empowering citizens and fostering solutions through discussion.

The importance of Parliamentary representation in delivering on the aspirations of the people was a focal point of the discussions. The event also highlighted a specially designed course for parliamentarians aimed at enhancing their understanding of human security and testing their knowledge of the subject. This interactive platform served as a forum for sharing best practices and experiences and as a valuable learning resource for those committed to peacebuilding and conflict prevention at the parliamentary level. Participants from 28 delegations were present and most took the floor to engage in a discussion with the experts from HS4A. These discussions responded to questions about the potential of Human Security for finding context-specific solutions, and a keen interest in the approach was demonstrated through these discussions.

A workshop on “Human security: Equipping parliamentarians for peacebuilding and conflict prevention” with parliamentarians from around the world. Co-organized by WAAS and the IPU in Geneva. On the left is Arthur DuForest and Laurence Marzal of IPU, and to the right, Garry Jacobs and Donato Kiniger-Passigli representing the HS4A campaign and WAAS.

WAAS Trustee and Former UN Ambassador Amanda Ellis (left) currently serves as Executive Director, Asia-Pacific for the Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation. She is also Senior Director, Global Partnerships and Networks for the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University.

A speech at this event, given by Irish MP Denis Naughten, highlights the impression that human security has made on some parliamentarians:

“The Human Security approach has been integrated into the work of the IPU since 2022 with the adoption of the resolution “Rethinking and reframing the approach to peace processes with a view to fostering lasting peace” during the 144th IPU Assembly in Indonesia. Last Monday, I participated, on behalf of the working group on science and technology, in an event organized by the IPU Secretariat in the context of their work on Peace and Security in partnership with the World Academy of Art and Science on Human Security. Not only does Human Security provide a sense of empowerment to fulfill the needs of the citizens, but it also provides a bridge to assist Parliamentarians, building upon science and innovation to help deliver on the aspirations of the people. I hope that WE, as representatives of the people, can work together to help achieve this synergy in practice.”

Longer-term outcomes
An ongoing relationship with IPU promises to develop and expand the human security message at the IPU’s biannual meetings. The 149th IPU Assembly will take place in October 2024, with an expectation that human security will again be on the agenda. Upcoming webinars with MPs will take place in May 2024, and plans for a more extensive training program for MPs are under discussion with IPU, which wants WAAS to become an ongoing partner. IPU has begun the development of an online training app that will allow easy access to parliamentarians in 180 countries.

COP28 Dubai

(30 November – 13 December, 2023)


A team of HS4A members attended the COP28 event in Dubai in December 2023. Achieving sustainable climate management and the other 16 Sustainable Development Goals requires messaging that appeals to the minds and hearts of the public worldwide. Human Security was the personalized, unifying theme — a message conveyed by the HS4A team at the event.

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, Professor in Economics at Athens University of Economics and Business, and a WAAS Fellow, addresses a meeting at COP28: “Paving the Way For a Sustainable Future.” To her right is Ketan Patel, WAAS Trustee and Founder of Force For Good.

HS4A members and invited guests represented the human security campaign at multiple sessions at COP28: Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, Professor in Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business; Amanda Ellis, Former New Zealand Ambassador to the UN; Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief New York Office of the Secretary-General, UNCTAD; Garry Jacobs, CEO of WAAS and HS4A Excom, Ketan Patel, Founder of Force For Good, and Marta Neskovic, WAAS Associate Fellow and member of the President’s International Fellowship Initiative, China.

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Accelerating Green Innovation

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Skills of the Future
Organized by the Global Futures Lab at Arizona State University and Cisco.

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Women Leaders in Climate Action

Longer-term outcomes
HS4A found difficulty in arranging a deeper collaboration with the organizers due to a lack of communication. HS4A will continue to explore deeper connections with this influential, annual event.

The Annual (9th) Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs

(24 January, 2024)


This in-person and online event was a policy dialogue between the UN System, member states, faith actors, and broader civil society on critical issues of the day. Over the years, the sponsorship of the Symposium has included an increasing range of religious and faith traditions. The theme was “Securing Peoples’ Wellbeing and Planetary Sustainability.” HS4A team members who delivered addresses included Garry Jacobs of the World Academy of Art and Science, Mehrnaz Mostafavi of the UN Human Security Trust Fund, and Jonathan Granoff of the Global Security Institute. These presentations added new depth and awareness as to how faith-based groups can embrace the concept of human security and turn it into action.


The 9th Symposium Planning Team consisted of UN members: Nika Saeedi and Heesu Chung of UNDP, Caterina Tino of UNFPA, and Simona Cruciani of the UN Office on Genocide Prevention and Responsibility to Protect. They all represent different UN entities that are members of the UN Interagency Task Force on Religion and Sustainable Development (UN IATF-R). The UN IATF-R has been their UN partner for the Symposium since 2016. IATF is currently jointly chaired by UNFPA, the UN Alliance of Civilizations (AOC), and the United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention (OSAPG) UNFPA. It brings together 26+ UN entities working with faith actors to promote their mandate.



Exposure to a global audience of 600 faith-based leaders who, in turn, highlighted the human security messaging to their followers. Visibility of attendees, participating organizations, and post-event recordings and promotions on social media. Organizations involved in the symposium included: The United Methodist Church-General Board of Church and Society, the World Council of Churches, the General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, ACT Alliance, Religions for Peace, Islamic Relief, Soka Gakkai International, United Religions Initiative, and the Jewish group Millstein Center for Interreligious Dialogue. The combined membership of these organizations numbers in the hundreds of millions.

Speakers that included the concept of human security in their keynotes: 

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Amanda Ellis Former Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations in Geneva; Fellow, WAAS

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Garry Jacobs (President and CEO of the World Academy of Art and Science and Chairman and CEO of the World University Consortium)

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H.E. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés (Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Ecuador and former President of the UN General Assembly)

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Jonathan Granoff (Senior Advisor and Representative to the United Nations of the Permanent Secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates)

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Rev. Dr. Liberato C. Bautista (Assistant General Secretary for United Nations and International Affairs, General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church)

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Mehrnaz Mostafavi (Chief of the Human Security Unit {HSU} and the UN Trust Fund for Human Security {UNTFHS})

The symposium gave time to the demonstration by FBOs and UN partners of ongoing discourses and practices of human security that prove the viability and necessity of human security as a controlling principle for “peace and prosperity for people and the planet.

Questions discussed and answered during the event:

a) How do faith-based organizations see and do human security? Panelists from religious, ecumenical, and interfaith organizations.
b) How do UN partners see and do human security? Panelists from UN entities and member states.
c) How do Member States see and do human security? Panelists from UN partners and member-states.

Longer-term Outcomes

For HS4A, the value of this event is that it forges an initial relationship with leading Interfaith agencies, a very large and vital stakeholder group, on which the campaign can build throughout the rest of 2023 and beyond.

EarthX, Dallas

(20-23 April, 2023)

EarthX is the world’s largest gathering of people and organizations committed to green living and is held annually in Dallas, Texas. The event is timed to coincide with Global Earth Day. The nonprofit is dedicated to informing and inspiring people and organizations to take action in ways that help create a sustainable world for all living things and a better, cleaner, healthier world for future generations. EarthX is committed to shedding light on the planet’s many environmental challenges and spreading awareness about possible solutions in the face of adversity. Baseline awareness around human security was higher among conference attendees, with almost zero awareness among the general public. The increase in awareness was, therefore, higher among the public. Many interactions with conference delegates created opportunities for new HS4A campaign collaborations.

The HS4A team of six, plus five strategically aligned supporters and ambassadors, attended  The Congress of Conferences (a forum within the event) that attracts the world’s foremost environmentalists, conservationists, scientists, academics, entrepreneurs, advocates, and political leaders engaged in the environmental space. The conference had 400 speakers from a wide range of disciplines, interests, and perspectives and represented a broad spectrum of initiatives and efforts around the globe. EarthX is inclusive across the sharply divided US political line, inviting both sides to come and air their views and be challenged. The event is open to the public and attracted more than 100,000 people.

Campaign team members being interviewed for EarthX TV: Amanda Ellis (left), WAAS Fellow and former Ambassador of New Zealand to the UN in Geneva, HS4A ambassador, Marc Buckley, and HS4A Director Walt Stinson (top, right).

A campaign video highlighting the relationship between the environment and human security was shown as an introduction to panels and keynotes presented by HS4A team members. The video was projected onto two large globes that were situated in two exhibition halls and seen by the general public. On one day, 5,000 schoolchildren attended EarthX and were exposed to the globe video display. The local Dallas Museum has agreed to play the HS4A environment video for the remainder of 2023 to approximately 5,000 schoolchildren per week. A HS4A campaign booth was situated alongside the UN SDG Media area, from which we got much exposure and valuable interactions with key decision-makers.

The HS4A booth set up a filming studio and did 20 interviews with a diverse range of environmental thought leaders, attendees and youth ambassadors, that will be used to promote the HS4A campaign for the remainder of 2023.

The following events included HS4A team members and their invited guests as panelists, moderators, and keynotes to discuss the theme of human security. Each was recorded for ongoing promotion by the campaign:

Climate Adaption Conference

  • Amanda Ellis of ASU: “Building a Climate Ready Nation”
  • Garry Jacobs of World Academy of Art and Science: “Impacts of Climate Change in Health” (HS4A video played as intro)

Corporate Impact Summit: Future 500

  • Ketan Patel of Force for Good: “What is the Future of Capitalism?”
  • Marc Buckley, HS4A ambassador: “What Does it Mean for a Company to be ‘Future Fit’ – and What Comes After the UNSDGs?”

E-Capital Summit

  • Ketan Patel of Force for Good: “UN SDGs: Investment Opportunities as a Force for Good”
  • Jon Miller of Force for Good, Walt Stinson and Marc Buckley of HS4A: “Leveraging Technology & Innovation to Ensure Global Human Security”

SDG Media Summit

  • Grant Schreiber, Garry Jacobs and Walt Stinson of HS4A, and Ketan Patel of Force for Good: “The Significance of Human Security in the World Right Now”

Earthx TV Interviews

  • Marc Buckley and Walt Stinson of HS4A: “Leveraging technology and innovation to ensure global human security.”
  • Grant Schreiber of HS4A and Amanda Ellis of ASU: “The role of social cause campaigns and how they can inspire people towards positive change” (about the Human Security campaign)

SDG Lounge Panel Discussions

  • Chantal Line Carpentier of the UN: “Human Security for All”

Longer-term Outcomes

The close proximity of the HS4A booth to the UN SDG Media area resulted in many meaningful exchanges and meetings that will result in new collaborations for the campaign. Some of these interactions have led to pledges of support for the HS4A campaign, for events that will take place in the second half of 2023. One example is a joint Human Security Summit planned for September between the Arizona State University (ASU) and the Foreign Press Correspondents — that broadcast the human security message to 5,000 international journalists.  This pledge was a direct result of our attendance at EarthX. The HS4A booth attracted an individual with connections to the Vatican, who is keen to arrange a partnership with them to promote human security.


(16-17 August, 2023)


The Techsauce Global Summit 2023, the largest technology conference in Southeast Asia, took place on August 16-17, 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand. The summit welcomed over 16,000 visitors from 50 countries, with an international participation rate of over 40%. The event covered an area of more than 10,000 square meters.

HS4A PR manager Dora Damjan attended the event alongside HS4A Ambassador Marc Buckley. Marc’s workshop titled “What Does a World that Works for Everyone Look Like?” had more than 50 attendees, and they had the opportunity to present the HS4A campaign’s messaging to them. Dora met with various high-level attendees to discuss the concept of human security: Jacqueline Poh, Managing Director, Singapore Economic Development Board; H.E. Mr. Remco van Wijngaarden, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Thailand; H.E. Dr. Angela Macdonald, Ambassador of the Commonwealth of Australia to Thailand; Paticha Areepipatkul, MTA Interviewer, Pi Design.

Dora led a panel discussion on the main stage in front of an audience of 1,500 titled “Small but Mighty: Social Impact and Innovative Changes.” Human security was discussed as Notable speakers on the panel included: Nichapat Ark, Director, Openspace Ventures; Khemupsorn Sirisukha, Actress & Environmental Activist; Justin Chin, Head of Business Development, e27.

HS4A PR Manager Dora Damjan participates in a panel discussion at Techsauce in Bangkok.

Longer-term Outcomes
The organizers of Techsauce Global Summit have extended an invitation to HS4A to return in 2024 as a keynote speaker. This will include a dedicated stage for the campaign, allowing HS4A to showcase our mission and vision to an even larger audience.

Future Education Conference



Since 2013, the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) has been working for a paradigm change in education that closely parallels the ideas advocated in the recent UNESCO reports and is fully consistent with the UN’s Human Security approach. As the 2021 UNESCO report ‘Reimagining our Futures Together‘ states: “We need a new social contract for education.” The Sixth International Conference on Education for Human Security, held in support of HS4A in March 2023, was the sixth in the series of WAAS Future Education Conferences. The conference had 11 collaborating partners, featured 124 speakers, and included 29 panel discussions.

A summary of the Conference Education for Human Security Policy Brief was published in the flagship WAAS publication Cadmus and shared with the United Nations Human Security Trust Fund. WAAS established the World University Consortium (WUC) as a partner institution in 2014, specifically to promote a new paradigm in education, which will provide affordable, quality education to all.

Invitations to participate in the Education for Human Security Conference were sent to 3,691 people on the WAAS mailing list, including Fellows and non-Fellows. The Cadmus journals, with the event summary, was mailed to 2,428 people on the journal’s mailing list. High-level participants from the collaborative partners ensured that the human security message was highlighted as an important factor when considering that curricula should emphasize transdisciplinary learning. Partners at the conference included the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, UNESCO, World University Consortium, The Jena Declaration, the Julie Anne Wrigley Global Futures Lab at Arizona State University, the International Anti-Corruption Academy, LSE Ideas, Black Sea Universities Network, and SDSN Europe.

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Human Security and Education. Promotional video created for the HS4A campaign

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Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO (2009-2017), delivers her address to attendees.

Topics discussed over the three-day conference, which focused exclusively on how to implement the concept of human security, included: The Voice of Youth, Health Education for Human Security, Education on Existential Risks to Human Security,  Economics Education for Human Security, Business Education for Human Security, Intergenerational Leadership and the Future of Education, Education for Human Security in the Context of Regional Conflicts, Contributions of Basic Sciences to Education for Human Security, Innovative Technology & Pedagogy for Education in Human Security, Climate Education for Human Security, Youth-led Knowledge and Education for Climate Change and Human Security, A New Paradigm Of Education For Human Security – Models For Innovation, Education in the Arts for Human Security, and Legal Education for Human Security.

Longer-term outcomes
The conference summary captured much insight and innovation, which will be used as planning material for future events around the same theme. The new ideas and approaches to education that arose from this conference can also be utilized to create courses for other human security projects, such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which is currently developing course material for parliamentarians from 180 countries.

Global Futures 2023

(19-23 September, 2023)


The GF23 Global Futures Conference brings together members of the public and private sectors, science and academia, Indigenous communities, and youth from around the globe to actualize bold steps for governments, corporations, and multilateral institutions to push the boundaries of discourse on how we can–and must–act to save our planet. In September 2022, GF22 convened with committed global stakeholders who established the 10 Must-haves Initiative, a comprehensive set of Must-have targets with Must-do actions that can lead the change necessary to provide a future where all may thrive.

Some of the attendees included Sir David Attenborough and youth. Activist Xiye Bastida; Dr. Sylvia Earle; Martin Chungong, Secretary General, Inter-Parliamentary Union; Stephen Twigg, Secretary-General, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; The Hon. Bogolo Kenewendo, Africa Director & Special Advisor, UN High-Level Climate Champions Team; The Right Honorable Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders; Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN High-Level Climate Champion Team, UNFCCC; Gabriela Ramos Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO

Speakers at Global Futures 2023, which was held under Chatham House Rules, included, from top left clockwise: Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and WAAS Fellow; Ketan Patel, WAAS Trustee and Founder of Force For Good; Maria Espinosa, Former President of the United Nations General Assembly and WAAS Fellow; Walt Stinson, WAAS Trustee and a director of the HS4A campaign.


The human security message was conveyed through three panel discussions, which included HS4A supporters and ExCom members:

  • “International Systems for a Better Future” Maria Espinosa, Former President of the United Nations General Assembly.
  • “Just Economies That Operate Within Planetary Boundaries” Ketan Patel, HS4A support, CEO of Force For Good (moderator)
  • “Human Security For All” Garry Jacobs, President & CEO of WAAS; Walt Stinson, HS4A Excom, and Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Longer-term Outcomes
HS4A is in contact with the organizers about repeating our involvement in 2024.

Leaders On Purpose

(20 September, 2023)


The Annual Leaders on Purpose CEO Summit is a leading global platform for businesses transitioning towards a purpose-first economy, with a particular focus on CEOs of multinational corporations. With six years of success, the summit is pivotal in bringing together and equipping leaders and their enabling ecosystem with the latest insights, strategies, and partnerships needed to navigate these uncertain times.

On 20 September 2023, HS4A delivered a series of panel discussions at the event, highlighting various human security issues. This event also plays a significant role in building momentum leading up to COP28, serving as a dynamic platform to propel the agenda for purpose-driven business leadership and climate forward.

At the event, top-level leaders representing over $1 trillion in capital, over 2 million pioneering employees, and changemakers, come together to align their efforts, build trust, and exchange novel approaches to doing business that are future-oriented and aligned with their commitments to society and the planet. Results from the annual Leaders on Purpose report are distributed to inform the 22 countries working on legislation supporting purpose-driven business following the 2020 Call for the Purpose Economy. HS4A was invited to participate under the theme “Shared Planet, Shared Future, Shared Purpose.”

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A Conversation With  Robert Oppenheimer’s Grandson

Garry Jacobs, President and CEO of WAAS discusses the historical significance of one of the Academy’s notable founders, Robert Oppenheimer, with his grandson Charles Oppenheimer at the Leaders on Purpose Summit in New York.

HS4A staff and Excom members joined their invited guests in a series of panels:

  • “Mobilizing Capital for large-scale transformation and innovation.” Ketan Patel, HS4A supporter, and CEO, Force For Good. Roundtable discussion.
  • “Youth, Talent and Work: Next Generation Leadership” Chaeli Mycroft, HS4A Youth Ambassador and Winner of the International Peace Prize for Kids. Panel discussion.
  • “Space on Purpose.” Rebecca Hoffberger, HS4A supporter, American Museum of Visual Arts. Panel discussion.
  • “From Boardroom to Classroom: Aligning Corporate Strategy with Talent and Education for a more Just, Inclusive and Sustainable Tomorrow.” Jon Miller, HS4A supporter, Partner, Advancit Capital. Panel discussion.
  • “Melting the Human Heart and Reconnecting Humanity” Jonathan Granoff, HS4A supporter and President, Global Security Institute. Keynote.
  • “Shared Planet, Shared Future, Shared Purpose.” Charles Oppenheimer, Garry Jacobs, HS4A Excom member, CEO of World Academy of Art and Science. Moderated by Grant Schreiber, HS4A Campaign Manager. Panel discussion.

Longer-term Outcomes
The organizers of Leaders on Purpose have expressed an interest in continuing the relationship with HS4A and to include similar panel discussions at their 2024 event.

Science For Human Security

(15 June, 2023 / 24 October, 2023 / 28 February, 2024)


The Earth Humanity Coalition (EHC), founded in April 2024, is an association of a large number of global, regional, and national scientific organizations from around the world that will prepare and implement various activities within the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (IDSSD) – an endeavor proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in August 2023. The task to lead the preparation and implementation of all the activities within IDSSD was given to UNESCO.
WAAS is a founding member of EHC, which was a decision adopted by the WAAS Board of Trustees in November 2023, in Athens. The WAAS representatives to the EHC General Assembly are Garry Jacobs, its President and CEO, and Nebojša Nešković, its Vice President for Science & Technology and a member of the working group that initiated the establishment of EHC. 

The EHC Steering Committee currently has seven members, including Michel Spiro, President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), N. Nešković (WAAS Vice President for Science & Technology), Carlos Álvarez Pereira, Secretary General of The Club of Rome and a WAAS Fellow, and Steven Hartman, Founding Executive Director, BRIDGES UNESCO-MOST Coalition and a WAAS Fellow.

In March 2014, WAAS and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland, signed a cooperation agreement with the aim to jointly explore contemporary social consequences of scientific advances, and in November 2016, the WAAS Board of Trustees accepted the initiative of Herwig Schopper, a WAAS Trustee and the Former Director General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), in Geneva, to create the South-East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST), within the Berlin Process, launched by the EU administration in August 2014. The idea was to establish SEEIIST within the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, in Belgrade (Serbia), with the TESLA Accelerator Installation as its core.

However, the EU administration was strongly against that with the argument that Serbia could not play any significant role in South-East Europe. As a result, the initiative was extinguished and formally declared as such at the World Conference on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, in Belgrade in September 2022.

One of the EHC activities is the EHC-WAAS Program of Sciences for Sustainable Development, which was outlined by WAAS during 2023 and approved in that form by its Board of Trustees in November 2023 in Athens. It currently includes two series of webinars, several world conferences, a number of journal articles and reports, and several platforms in science and technology for cooperation between the Global North and the Global South. The first series of webinars, the WAAS Talks of Science for Human Security, started in 2023, and three events have been held so far:

The first two conferences within the Program will be the World Conference on Sustainable Cities, to be held in June 2025 in Athens, Greece, and the World Conference on Science and Art for Sustainability, to be held in September 2025 in Belgrade.

Longer-term outcomes
In July 2017, the UN Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) decided to grant special consultative status to WAAS. This status brings WAAS into the center of the UN development system, where it conducts cutting-edge analysis, proposes new global norms, and advocates for progress. Further, in June 2019, the official partnership with consultative status was established between UNESCO and WAAS. The Academy’s interactions with leading scientific organizations, academics, companies, and business leaders helps in creating collective solutions that advance sustainable development worldwide. An example is the EHC-WAAS Program of Sciences for Sustainable Development, as a rich and long-range program within IDSSD.

The Interacademy Partnership (IAP)



The Interacademy Partnership (IAP) is a global network of science, engineering & medical academies working together to provide independent expert advice on scientific, technological & health issues. A statement on human security is currently being prepared in collaboration with HS4A in conjunction with 150 national and regional academies of IAP. The joint statement will affirm the central importance of human security as a unifying framework for research policymaking and implementation of measures to promote security and sustainable development for everyone on the planet.

WAAS Secretary-General, Janani Ramanathan (top) and WAAS Fellow Phoebe Koundouri.

The statement is being prepared by an IAP working group chaired by WAAS Fellow Phoebe Koundouri, and based on a concept note by WAAS Secretary-General, Janani Ramanathan. The final version will be released and circulated in 2024.

Longer-term outcomes
Once the statement has been released to IAP members, the HS4A campaign will monitor and gather responses to measure its reach and influence.

SpellBee International



SpellBee International is an educational research organization serving around 4000+ schools across India and Sri Lanka with its English language development products. It has certified around a million students in vocabulary development over the past 12 years. They aim to help students learn complex subjects in a simple way. The HS4A campaign message was adopted as an educational curriculum for millions of schoolchildren across India. Key objectives included expanding outreach, forming a community of educators to engage students effectively, and fostering awareness about human security among students, in their households and across communities.

The HS4A campaign engaged schools, educators, and administrators through personalized and informative messages, inviting them to join a transformative journey toward improving human security. The HS4A project was named “Classroom to Community,” and the HS4A message was adapted to better reflect its purpose in schools. The “C2C” Classroom to Communities initiative aims to revolutionize the educational landscape by shaping students into future global leaders through a multifaceted approach that hones vital skills and nurtures essential human qualities. The project was part of SpellBee’s language development program, and also focused on enhancing fluency.

A 300-page manual will describe each activity in detail, including how it connects to different aspects of human security. This information, which included the HS4A logo, was distributed to school heads across India. Additionally, this educational material was included in one million student brochures circulated to school students, with an expected read rate of three million family members. A series of webinars were held to announce the project to 10,000 students and 1,000 educators.

Longer-term outcomes
The medium-term goal is to reach an additional 1,500 schools in India and have at least 600 schools in India, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Dubai, and Egypt conduct HS4A activities.

International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)

(18 April, 2023)


The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) is the worldwide federation of national amateur radio organizations. The membership of IARU consists of more than 160 member societies in as many countries and separate territories. Amateur radio has been enthusiastically embraced by a wide range of cultures and gender diversity. IARU represents member societies at proceedings of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a UN organization that establishes global telecommunications policy. Baseline awareness of the concept of human security among members was low but resulted in more than 50,000 two-way contacts between members.

IARU produced and publicized a global on-the-air event in support of HS4A, including World Amateur Radio Day, on April 18, 2023. Member societies supported the HS4A event at the national level and globally. World Amateur Radio Day, with the theme of HS4A, focused on personal, community, and economic security. In the run-up to World Amateur Radio Day, a two-week on-the-air event highlighted the role of the amateur radio service in providing for disaster response and emergencies and developing a pool of technically literate workers. This was supported by more than 150 international member societies representing more than 250,000 licensed amateur radio operators worldwide.  

A dedicated website page was hosted on the IARU website: and at

Below the human security information on the IARU web page are the call signs of the member society stations. K4A shows 10,211 two-way contacts on  and 15,502 lookups on This equates to approximately 10,000 engagements and 15,000 views. 

Other reach included:

5P0WARD in Denmark (11,000 views):

9A23WARD in Croatia (5,600 views):

C37URA in Andorra (181,900 views):

CQ7HS4A in Portugal (26,200 views):

DA23WARD in Germany (9,570 views):

E7WARD in Bosnia and Herzegovina: (14,400 views):

EG5WRD in Spain (155,600 views):
N4A in the USA (3,700 views):

OT23WARD in Belgium (18,300 views):

S50WARD in Slovenia (11,600 views):

W1VCM in the USA (4,700 views):

W1W in the USA (1,029 views):

Longer-term Outcomes

There is potential to repeat this partnership annually on World Amateur Radio Day.

Milan Design Week

(18-23 April, 2023)


Italian artist Maria Cristina Finucci collaborated with HS4A at the Milan Design Week “Fuori Salone” on 19 April to present an illuminated installation on the theme of water, titled H2O HELP. Milan Design Week is the biggest annual design event in the world that welcomes more than 370,000 visitors attending exhibitions across the city. The artwork by Finucci was a visual demonstration of the epochal change of our ecosystem and a creative way of using tons of plastic waste packed into colorful nets. While there was no baseline awareness around human security among attendees, the environmental theme was a good match for the HS4A campaign message.

Campaign Co-Chair, Donato Kiniger-Passigli, with Italian artist Maria Cristina Finucci at Milan Design Week.

HS4A ExCom member Donato Kiniger-Passigli spoke from the podium at the event, and conveyed the human security message. An Italian TV Channel also interviewed him. Italian finance company Unipol showed an interest in supporting the HS4A campaign. The HS4A logo was used on the entrance backdrop to the event, against which attendees had their photographs taken. This ensured high visibility for the campaign in all official photos for the event and will be part of any ongoing photo-sharing on social media. A press release was posted on the new HS4A website and the social media team highlighted it on the various campaign platforms.

Longer-term Outcomes
Artwork and photography are an important part of the overall HS4A campaign goal. This first creative collaboration will open the door to more creative events and give the HS4A team a template to work from (Eg., what worked and what didn’t). Finucci’s striking art will be used for HS4A social media, the website and a flip-card concept we are planning on the website — that encourages visitors to click on a human security-related image that will flip over and reveal a human security message.




The HS4A campaign compiled a list of world days themed around various social and environmental causes and aligned with the goals of human security. To this end, we approached UNIFY to help promote these messages and images to millions of followers. The messages were crafted by HS4A and approved for broadcast and sharing by UNHSTF.

UNIFY is one such organization that has begun to promote the HS4A campaign message. UNIFY is a non-profit organization that promotes world peace and further solutions to humanity’s greatest challenges. Over ten years and 90+ Global Campaigns, UNIFY has brought together hundreds of millions of people for unified intention and action, and has reached over 2 billion people around the planet. Baseline awareness among their followers is high for social and environmental causes, but low around the concept of human security.

Global reach across geographic sectors and their social media audience of 60% Women and 40% Men, mostly in America but also in Canada, the UK, Mexico, Australia, and India. Exposure on their Facebook platform of 2 million followers. World Days promoted in collaboration with UNIFY: World Water Day, International Women’s Day, and Earth Day.

Longer-term Outcomes
Ongoing collaboration and development of strategies for promoting the campaign message on UNIFY’s social media platforms. Promotion of the HS4A message on Yoga Day (June 21), Peace Day September 21), and Mental Health Day (October 10).

Youth Ambassadors


The campaign has vetted and selected four ambassadors, with the approval of UNHSTF, to represent and promote the HS4A campaign. These ambassadors are well-versed in the concept of human security and have extensive experience dealing with the UN and social causes. They have been selected for their youth appeal, knowledge of human security, and large social media following, which was used to promote the HS4A campaign.

HS4A campaign ambassadors, clockwise from top left: Mayada Adil, Marc Buckley, Sophia Kianni, Varaidzo (Vee) Kativhu.


Mayada Adil (14,200 Instagram followers)
A Sudanese medical doctor, fashion designer, women’s rights advocate for health equity, refugee rights activist, and UN Youth Envoy for the Office of the Secretary-General.

Varaidzo (Vee) Kativhu (103,000 Instagram followers)
An education activist and YouTube visionary from Zimbabwe and the United Kingdom. She is the Founder of Empowered By Ve and UN Youth Envoy for the Office of the Secretary-General.

Sophia Kianni (126,000 Instagram followers)
An Iranian-American social entrepreneur and activist. She is the founder and executive director of Climate Cardinals and the youngest-ever United Nations advisor to the Secretary-General.

Marc Buckley (26,255 LinkedIn followers)
A keynote speaker based in Germany, he is an advocate for the SDGs, a UN Advisor, a Social Innovator, a climate change activist, and a member of the Agriculture, Food, and Beverage Expert Network of the World Economic Forum. He’s also an expert on ESGs and sustainable development.

In the second half of 2024, these four ambassadors helped promote the HS4A campaign through events, social media and speaking engagements.

Association of Foreign Press Correspondents USA (AFPC-USA)



The AFPC-USA is a membership organization of more than 5,000 foreign journalists, based in the USA, who are committed to a stable and robust collaboration with the Foreign Press Centers of the State Department in the U.S. The U.S. Department of State maintains two Foreign Press Centers in New York and Washington, D.C., to engage with foreign media to deepen the understanding of U.S. policy and American values.

The AFPC-USA is aware of its responsibility in the ethical shaping of journalism and subscribes to ethical journalism that strives to ensure the free exchange of accurate and fair information, with an understanding that the responsibility of journalists and society is to protect freedom of speech. Baseline awareness of human security was low among members when the HS4A campaign first engaged the organization. AFPC-USA agreed to include speakers supplied by HS4A for an ongoing  “Education Series,” — which educates members via their YouTube channel on various issues that improve their understanding of topical and global dynamics, which in turn informs their reporting.

The AFPC-USA hosted the 2023 Foreign Press Awards in New York City on December 11, 2023, to honor prominent international journalists, impactful industry luminaries, and promising foreign journalists who may impact the field in the coming years. Foreign correspondents from around the world, AFPC-USA board members, and supporters gathered to honor the winners, including the honorary foreign press awardee: Fareed Zakaria, host of Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN, a columnist for The Washington Post, and a bestselling author. HS4A ambassador Amanda Ellis gave a keynote address to the assembled journalists, VIPs, and sponsors, where she spoke of the importance of human security.

Sponsors in attendance included Bayer, P&G, Toyota, Volkswagen, Microsoft, GM, Knight Foundation, Delta, Libra Group, Hinrich Foundation, Pfizer, S&P Global, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Lab (Arizona State University), Mitzi Perdue, NBC News, CNN, ABC News, and CBS.

Amanda Ellis, WAAS Fellow and former Ambassador of New Zealand to the UN in Geneva, with Fareed Zakaria of CNN at the Foreign Press Awards in New York City.



Throughout 2023, AFPC-USA hosted an interview with someone familiar with human security and the HS4A campaign, and supported in-person events by promoting them to their members. The following events and interviews were done:

  1. Amanda Ellis, former UN Ambassador (4.3k views):
    YouTube interview here
    Website story here
  2. Garry Jacobs, HS4A Excom member, CEO of the World Academy of Art and Science
    YouTube interview here
    Website story here
  3. Walt Stinson, HS4A ExCom member (1.8k views):
    YouTube interview here
    Website story here
  4. Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (2.9k views)
    YouTube interview here
    Website story here
  5. Amanda Ellis, former UN Ambassador
    Keynote at Foreign Press Awards: YouTube here
    Website story here
  6. Educational program with Charles Oppenheimer, New York
    Story and video here
  7. Garry Jacobs, HS4A Excom member, CEO of the World Academy of Art and Science
    Podcast “Safeguarding Human Security For All” here

UNIFY, World Peace Day

(21 September, 2023)


On September 21, 2023, on World Peace Day, with the power of music, human connection, and our shared hope for a more peaceful and regenerative future,  a 5-hour live broadcast took place from a dedicated stage in Times Square, New York, that included the Human Security for All campaign. The International Day of Peace (IDP) was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981 to promote peace and non-violence across the globe. Since its inception, the IDP has been celebrated worldwide in various ways. Since 2001, the United Nations has designated September 21 as the official date for this event.

The event, titled “Pause the World For Peace,” coincided with the UN International Day of Peace, and the live event was held both in-person and with a global virtual audience. It was the first 100% solar-powered concert in Times Square. In-person presenters included US Presidential Candidate, author, and activist Marianne Williamson, Myron McKinley of band Earth, Wind, & Fire, and HS4A PR Manager Dora Damjan. Virtual messages were broadcast on a big screen above the stage from legacy peacekeepers like Ringo Starr, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Douglas, Jane Goodall, Sir Paul McCartney, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Joe Dispenza, Stevie Wonder, Dionne Warwick, Jesse Colin Young, and Shakira.

HS4A PR Manger Dora Damjan delivers a human security message in Times Square, New York.

The HS4A message was delivered from the stage in Times Square and beamed live via streaming TV to a global audience of millions. The HS4A campaign video on security, religion and culture was also played on the large screen.  Video here

Longer-term Outcomes
Our relationship with UNIFY and HS4A has been firmly established, and we intend to repeat this event in Times Square in September 2024.

Human Security as 8th Pillar Event

(18 September, 2024)


In a special event at the UN on 18 September 2023, during the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) announced that technology is now a new eighth pillar of the Human Security for All (HS4A) campaign. The event was co-hosted by CTA and The World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) and aimed to strengthen the human security message with CTA, the campaign’s biggest supporter, and pave the way for ongoing human security messaging at future CES events — the world’s largest tech event.

Play Video

The announcement of technology as the 8th pillar of human security at an event at the UN in September 2023.
From left: Gary Shapiro, CEO of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA); Megan Lee, CEO of Panasonic North America; Garry Jacobs, President and CEO of WAAS; Kinsey Fabrizio, President of CTA.

The announcement and remarks were delivered to assembled media and an audience of 100 tech industry leaders. Media included ABC Radio, BBC, CNET, Consumer Reports, Dealerscope, Fortune, KPMG, The Palmer Group and TWICE. Industry leaders included representatives from Panasonic, CNN Business, Force For Good, L’Oréal, McIntosh UK, Samsung and Validic. Remarks were delivered by the UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology Amandeep Singh Gill, as well as a panel discussion on technology’s power to address global challenges with Kinsey Fabrizio, SVP of CES and Membership, CTA; Garry Jacobs, President & CEO of WAAS; and Megan Lee, Chairwoman and CEO, Panasonic. CNN Business Senior Writer Samantha Kelly moderated the session. Video here and here

Longer-term Outcomes
The announcement of technology as an 8th pillar of human security has strengthened the relationship between HS4A and the world’s largest tech event, ensuring that future CES events will include the theme of human security, and broadcasting our message to the estimated 140,000 people who attend the show in Las Vegas each year.

Kids International Film Festival

(29 November, 2023)

In a collaboration between Human Security For All (HS4A) and the International Kids Film Festival (IKFF), we hosted an online filmmaking masterclass that captured the imaginations of young learners. The festival reached 26,000 schools in 200 cities with more than 7.5 million children participating. The positive feedback received highlighted the effectiveness of using film as a tool for education and awareness, while introducing them to the concept of human security for the very first time.

The International Kids Film Festival is a first-of-its-kind global film festival that has been held in schools since 2017. It provides a unique and engaging opportunity for students to watch the best of international children’s films, learn the art of filmmaking and make their first film.

The collaborative effort with IKFF resulted in a workshop that was educational and entertaining and aimed to enlighten children about current global issues that would inspire them to make a positive impact. The workshop delved into the eight dimensions of human security, providing a comprehensive understanding of the challenges humanity faces today.


The online workshop was hosted by HS4A PR Manager, Dora Damjan, involving 200 schools and 10,000 students. The organizers remarked that it had the highest engagement of any session and was extended due to the excellent participation of students.

Longer-term Outcomes
We are in ongoing discussion with IKFF to add a new “human security” category to the film festival, to encourage submissions around this topic, and the possibility of a HS4A award to finalists.

The Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO)

(7 September, 2023)


On the occasion of CoNGO’s 75th anniversary (1948-2023), a webinar was broadcast in conjunction with the World Academy of Art and Science and the Human Security for All campaign, which co-sponsored the event. The Fourth CoNGO Global Thematic Webinar, titled “Peace, Human Security and Sustainability for People and the Planet,” was conducted in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic on 7 September 2023.

The event was broadcast and publicized to the CoNGO community of more than 600 member organizations, comprising hundreds of thousands of members, and 37 NGO Committees worldwide. Three human security-related messages were delivered by HS4A team members:

  • Sustainable Peace
    Jonathan Granoff, HS4A supporter and President of the Global Security Institute
    Watch here
  • Sustainability of People and Planet
    Amanda Ellis, Former New Zealand ambassador to the UN
    Watch here
  • Sustainable Peace
    Dora Damjan, HS4A PR Manager
    Watch here

Longer-term outcomes
The HS4A campaign will endeavor to participate in future CoNGO events.

Social Media Outreach



A full report on the reach, influence, and impact of the HS4A social media campaign is attached as a separate document to this report. Three noteworthy facts that should be mentioned here are the Advertising Value Equivalent (AVE), the overall increase in awareness around the search term “human security” on Google, and press mentions gained from the HS4A participation at two consecutive CES events.

  • AVE is the estimated cost of buying the exposure delivered via social and online platforms. Had this exposure been paid for — an approximate amount of money would have to be spent on paid advertising to achieve similar exposure. The HS4A campaign achieved an AVE of $367,000, surpassing the entire campaign budget of $300,000.
  • A report from Google Trends, included in the attached social media report, shows that Google search visitors have increased their searches for the term “human security” from mid-2022 to date. The data, sourced from global search terms, indicates a permanent, upward shift in the recognition of this term and an increase in people searching for information on human security.
  • Through the campaign’s association with the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in 2023 and 2024, the HS4A campaign received more than 400 exposures in the mainstream press and tech-related media. Some of the news outlets that reported on HS4A were: Reuters, Yahoo Finance, Nikkei Asia, ABC News, Euro News, Axios, PR Newswire, Forbes Japan, AP News, Taiwan Business News, Thailand Business News, TechUK, News Korea, and EuroNews Romania.
  • The campaign identified more than 25 “World Days” that are celebrated worldwide to highlight a particular cause. These included World Food Day, World Mental Health Day, International Day of Peace, and International Day of Education. The combined efforts of the HS4A social media posts and the main implementing organizations of these days highlighted the campaign message to millions of new viewers.

The original goal of the HS4A campaign was to achieve one million impressions or exposures via social media. The campaign achieved 2.3 million social media reach — how many people saw a HS4A post. In addition, the campaign achieved 2.6 million non-social media reach — exposure via digital channels beyond social media (such as websites). This resulted in a total of 4.9 million exposures.

Cadmus Journal

(March / August, 2023)


The Cadmus journal is an independent journal edited by Fellows of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS). It seeks to support WAAS’s mission by featuring fresh thinking and new perspectives that integrate knowledge from all fields of science, art, and humanities to address real-life issues, inform policy and decision-making, and enhance our collective response to the challenges and opportunities facing the world today. The world needs evolutionary ideas that can spur our collective progress without the wake of destructive violence that threatens to undermine the huge but fragile political, social, financial, and ecological infrastructures on which we depend and strive to build a better world. The ideas, thoughts, and innovations found within Cadmus seek to find solutions to big world problems — a journal devoted to seed ideas and to leadership in thought that leads to action. The journal has been published since 2010 and is freely available to WAAS Fellows and the public. It is published under Open Access guidelines.

Two issues of Cadmus were dedicated to Human Security: Volume 5, Issue 1 – March 2023 and
Special Issue on Human Security: Part 2 – August 2023. The two journals fostered awareness and understanding of the concept of human security from many perspectives and different dimensions at the local, national, and global levels. Both journals were emailed to 2,500 high-level individuals on the journal’s mailing list.

Articles that explored the vast array of applications included:

Empowering Women to Save the World for the Future, Enhancing Human Security by Transforming Education Through Science, Technology, and Innovations, Human Security, Culture and Protection of Humanity’s Heritage, Human Security: Concepts and Measurement, Key Findings Regarding a Comprehensive Human Security: Envisioning and Building a Better Future, The Health and Economic Burdens Inflicted by Human Security Destruction, Human Security & Global Understanding: Towards New World Relations, Basic Sciences and Human Security, Ensuring Human Security by Creating Abundance through Mindshift, Conscious Capital, and Technology, Effective People-Centered Health Education for Human Security, From US to Qatar University Teaching: Contextualized Knowledge Communication for Future Education, Human Security and Existential Threats: A Governance Framework for Planet, Peace, People & Prosperity, Creative Solutions for Human Security, ‘Human Security’ Relativized: Insights from Six Recent Global Events.

Longer-term outcomes
Cadmus is committed to publishing future editions that focus on human security, stimulating debate around this growing topic, and offering suggestions for action from the Academy’s diverse and global membership.