Tech for Humanity: Advancing Lives through Innovation

Can investing in technology for the good of humankind really pay off? Discover how companies that embrace human security principles not only contribute to a better world but also thrive in their markets. In this episode of CES Tech Talk, great minds from the worlds of diplomacy, finance, education and technology discuss how the aims […]
Oppenheimer: Lessons From History That Will Shape Our Future

The release of the highly acclaimed movie Oppenheimer highlighted some highly significant events that have shaped the course of history for the past 75 years. These events brought about revolutionary changes in the role of science in global society, in the social responsibility of scientists, and in efforts to establish global institutions for the governance […]
CTA Announces Technology as New Human Security Pillar

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® announced on 18 September that technology is now an new eighth pillar of the Human Security for All (HS4A) campaign. The announcement took place at an event on the United Nations Main Campus, co-hosted by CTA, The World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) and the UN Trust Fund for Human Security […]
Capital as Force For Good Report 2023 (Download)

Funding shortfall for UN Sustainable Development Goals keeps rising, but clear solutions pathway shows deadline can be achieved, new research finds. Progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has stalled and in some cases reversed, exacerbated by a funding shortfall of up to US$137 trillion, raising the risk of failure by the 2030 […]
Peace, Human Security and Sustainability for People and the Planet

On the occasion of CoNGO’s 75th anniversary (1948-2023), a webinar was broadcast in conjunction with the World Academy of Art and Science and the Human Security for All campaign, who co-sponsored the event. The Fourth CoNGO Global Thematic Webinar titled, “Peace, Human Security and Sustainability for People and the Planet,” was conducted in English, Spanish, […]
Human Security for Parliamentarians

The World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) is collaborating with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on an integrated approach to security that combines the common security of nations with the human security of all citizens. As a first step, WAAS and IPU developed a customized training program for MPs of IPU’s 170-member parliaments and presented […]
The Importance of Preserving Our Artistic and Landscape Heritage

The Climate Change and Heritage Forum was held at Palazzo Vecchio-Salone dei Cinquecento, Florence, Italy on December 15, 2022. The Vice President of the World Academy of Art and Science, Donato Kiniger Passigli represented the HS4A campaign. Former UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova and Art for the World Founder Adelina von Fürstenberg also participated in this […]
Safeguarding the Human Experience Through Technology

The HS4A campaign attended the world largest technology event, CES, in Las Vegas in early January. In a first for this 55-year-old event, the concept of human security was adopted as the official theme. The event attracted over 115,000 industry professionals – marking the largest audited global tech event since early 2020. There were more […]
Education and the Future: How Well Are We Prepared?

How well is our current education system preparing today’s youth and tomorrow’s global citizens to understand the magnitude and complexity of the challenges confronting current and future generations? Are our educational and research institutions training students to become effective problem solvers and contributors to overcoming the challenges they will face individually and collectively? These and […]
Interfaith Symposium Highlights Human Security as a Force for Peace

More than 600 people attended the Ninth Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs, held in-person and online in New York on 24 January. Exploring the theme “Securing People’s Wellbeing and Planetary Sustainability,” the symposium was organized by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and a coalition of faith-based and […]